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Why do I need IT Managed Services?

Why Do I Need IT Managed Services?


In today’s business environment, a company relies on their computers and networks to be operating effectively to conduct the everyday operations in their business. This includes activities relating to sales and marketing, order processing, communications, legal and financial applications and even managing workflows and resources to track profitability and efficiency. Business has become so dependent upon their IT network it is important to monitor and protect it from crashes and viruses. Even small outages can have serious consequences to business and production disruptions

Your computers and networks are like any piece of equipment you use for business, they need to be maintained. Everything from software updates to system errors need to be addressed before a disaster happens. Its not a matter of if a problem will occur but rather when will it happen, proper monitoring and maintenance can identify warning signs in advance of a crash and be corrected without loss of data or the ability to function.

The other reason IT Management is critical is outside factors that can attack your system causing everything from slower performance to ransom attacks. The instances of viruses, security breaches, and malware have been on the increase for the past few years. A simple virus in an email can cause significant disruptions of your network and thus hurt your operations.

So What the Problem?

The problem is that many businesses looking to control costs believe that one of their current employees or themselves can handle the responsibility of their IT demands. The perception is that outsourcing IT management will be too expensive and not worth the cost. This couldn’t be farther from the truth. First, having an internal employee handle the IT management will still require hours of their time to manage the computers and networks and take them away from their other responsibilities. The other problem is the ability to keep up with changes in IT security and network management which also takes time and money. In many cases this becomes evident when a network crashes or a problem beyond their ability happens and you must hire a company to come in and fix the problem. This is often more expensive because the damage has been done, your loosing hours of non-productivity and the service company must come in and take time to understand your system to troubleshoot the problem and correct it.

Benefits of Managed IT Services

It makes sense to outsource your IT Management to a qualified company that has both the ability to monitor and detect problems before they happen, protect your network from viruses and attacks and can keep up with changes in the industry to keep current with industry trends and updates. One Michigan Managed IT Services Company explains that with the advances in technology they can work remotely and don’t even have to be inside your business to handle your operations. Their entire focus in on your IT needs and because they have the experience of working with many companies, they can develop processes and plans tailored to your business so that your systems are managed to your needs.

The bottom line is that your computers and networks are too important to your business to just hope nothing bad will happen or to have an employee add the responsibility to manage it part time. The overall costs of a managed IT services are far less then most people expect and provide a more cost-effective solution to managing and protecting your network.


Article Author: Neal Rabogliatti

Many Thanks to Scott Rider Owner of Rider Tech IT Managed Services | https://ridertech.net